Our sexuality is an integral part of our existence and wellbeing as individuals and in relation to others. Sexuality affects people’s interactions holistically. As such, we need to explore it, get to know ourselves and our needs. 

We are used to associate sexuality straight away with sex (sexual act) when actually sexuality is a more complex system, both physical and mental, which includes matters as pleasure, physicality, sex, gender roles, sexual orientation, identity, etc. 

Coming to sexual counseling, or therapy, the client defines the direction and purpose of the sessions.

The process goes through three stages: 

  1. Beginning -we will get to know each other and define your needs.
  2. Goals, program and treatment.
  3. Ending -of a phase or treatment.

The purpose of the first meetings is to create a confidential environment where counselor/therapist and the client interact to address the client’s issues or need of information. Counseling generally consists of 2-5 appointments where therapy can be longer.

Sexual counseling and therapy treatments are shaped around the client’s needs and are goal-oriented. You can come to solve a problem that is troubling you or simply to satisfy your need for information on a subject, or, e.g., willing to improve your ability to feel pleasure.

The difference between counseling and therapy is based on the nature and duration of the treatment and not on the reasons for seeking treatment itself. Counseling does not necessarily lead to therapy, on the contrary, it would be desirable for the goals set in the counseling to be achieved within a maximum of five sessions. However, in case a client’s situation requires more extensive and targeted care, in sexual therapy the issues can be explored and addressed with a functional, integrative, and strategic approach.